Monday, January 9, 2012

McKechnie/Oukherfalla Family

Cathedral Park
Portland, OR

On a cool winter day in late December, we joined Ben, his sister Jen, and their mom Becky on a photo shoot with their kids at Cathedral Park under the St. Johns Bridge.  Jen and her children were visiting from the UK for the holidays, and the family took advantage of the opportunity to photograph all the kids together. Ben's son Maculeigh (age 6 1/2) brought a ton of great energy to the photo shoot , and Jen's sweet daughter Elise (age 2 1/2) and happy son Caius (age 10 months) were wide-eyed in wonder as we toured the park. After a few family portraits we let the kids loose and followed them with our cameras as they chased birds, climbed trees, and played in the sand on the river bank.  The whole family was a pleasure to photograph and we look forward to doing it all again next time Jen and her family are back in the US.

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